Kareena wedding cancelled again

One of the most awaited events in the
Bollywood circuit has been the wedding of Saif
Ali Khan with Kareena Kapoor. This was due to
happen early this year but got postponed. Now,
just when all thought that the D-Day is near,
reports have arrived that the wedding has been
called off. The reason for that is Kareena.
Sources say Kareena has developed cold feet
about it. The other part is, she has got a
discouraging response from industry after her
wedding dates got fixed. So, with some really
plum offers in her kitty, Kareena is reportedly
not keen on letting them go. Even Saif is
seconding her decision, it is heard.
While that is one side, the other version is that a
property dispute could also be the reason.
Apparently, Saif’s sister Saba is the custodian of
Auqaf-E-Shahi the royal wakf properties. Ideally
the custodian has to be a Muslim but with Saif
marrying a Hindu, few apprehensions are
reportedly being raised in the family. The
bottomline is, the wedding seems to be off for
the next year and Kareena can breathe happy
and focus on her movies like ‘Heroine’ and the
other one with Imran Khan.

Source -- Greatandhra

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