Jab Tak Hai Jaan Collection details - AtoZpuLse

#JTHJ first day shares area wise

  • Mumbai-5,58,00,000
  • Delhi UP-3,27,00,000
  • East Punjab-82,00,000
  • CP-65,00,000
  • CI-32,00,000
  • Rajasthan-55,00,000
  • Nizam-80,00,000
  • Mysore-1,25,00,000
  • West Bengal-1,15,00,000
  • Bihar-Jharkhan- 12,00,000
  • Assam-12,00,000
  • Orissa-10,00,000
  • TNK-50,00,000
  • Total-15,23,00,000

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